About Me

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I'm a geek girl who likes to listen to music, go to the movies, play video games and Mmorpg. I A-DO-RE cats and feline, to role play, to sing, write and draw. I often refer to myself as a crazy person, in a good way :P

Feb 14, 2011

DHL hate preview one :P

It's been what, 3 month since I wrote here ? Well it has also been 3 months since I ordered my xmas gifts on thinkgeek.com and nothing has arrived yet, not even an e-mail from the transport company or anyone to explain to me why an express shipping service crashed somewhere with my package. Well today I went back to search for my confirmation e-mail and my tracking number, so I could make a query to the company. I don't know if it's a one time thing, but that experience make DHL fall lower than UPS in my head. So I finally found my DHL "tracking" and pressed the lovely customer service button. Now I just wait for an answer :) Which I sincerly hope is not "Sorry, your shipment exploded with the plane because of terrorists"

A friend who has a gift in my package just told me they were robbers :S I hope it's not that either cause then I'd have no course of action. I don't even know if they are required to reimburse me if someone went away with my package :S.

Also on their website for support, it says 1k characters to write your message but I had only 100 and the zip code doesn't recognizes the country its in because it still asked for 5 digit instead of 6 letters and digit when I wrote Quebec. Weird things stop happening to me XD

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