About Me

My photo
I'm a geek girl who likes to listen to music, go to the movies, play video games and Mmorpg. I A-DO-RE cats and feline, to role play, to sing, write and draw. I often refer to myself as a crazy person, in a good way :P

Sep 25, 2010

Hello World

There is a first for everything, since nothing pops out of the universe like that. This is not. This is frustrating, because it's the second time I've begun writing this first post about how I first started blogging. Redundant still, Blogger – like any other blog sites – has an auto save but no saved version of the post not yet posted. I'm sure you see this coming from a random unlucky person like me: I always manage to erase my comments, or blog posts, or stuff I write on the internet. Truly devastating if I may add. And then my inspiration just comit suicide.

I'm a very uninspired person and I don't have a good short term memory. Which is why now, instead of writing on my blog, I've got an openoffice writer page up so I'm sure my text doesn't vanish because of my own clumsyness. Just writing here instead of on my blog makes my inspiration go somwhere else.
And it is how I come back to my original idea. Everything starts somewhere, and I decided to start with – drum roll – Hello!

Very uninspired like I said. So yep, Hello world, and welcome to Nyah's World ^_^ !

« Ooh I like this name »
« Yeah me too »
« Who are you »
« I'm you »

This could go on for hours. See, I told you I was a crazy person. Well, I didn't tell you, its just written on my profile... What ever, this blog's name is one of my favorite. You see, I have 3 other blogs already, and they don't have cool names. They also have two things in common: 1: They are in French (Hey what's up I'm a French Canadian) and 2: I rarely write anything on them anymore. Whcih renders them quite useless. My livejournal was my first blog, from6 years ago, and I wonder if I have written more than 15 posts. I've created a second livejournal, for a novel project I haven't touched for 3 years.

The last blog I've created was on Skyrock (Never ever going to go back there cause it sucks). Skyrock is like a dating sites offering a blog option. Anyone that read it was from some Arabian countries and sent me message saying I was pretty – Uh oh weird stalkers – or just comented random things on random posts to – again – try to be my friend/lover/brother and get an easy way to come to Canada.

So this blog – if it survives – will probably be mostly in English, sometimes in French, and some other times with Japanese expressions. They are going to be mostly random stuff I like, do, find on internet, or want to rant about. So yeah, comments are appreciated and highly recomended. I'm a comment whore :p

I hope this will be as fun to read as it is to write – yeah I still get some fun writing this – I also hope this will help me improve my english writing, I still have to practice because I am now into english fanfiction writing for my fandom of the year – I name James Tiberius Kirk/Spock. Shoot. I was trying not to mention my love for gays and slash, especially for Star Trek slash right away.

In fact, I was about to talk about cucumbers. But what the hell, it is now done. So yeah, I'm a Trekkie or Trekkers or whatteva they call themselves these days. So if you still wanna read further, you are going to have to bear with my obsession. I already hear someone say *get this blog away from me*. So of course, little disclaimer to finish this post: This blog will contain violence – maybe not – sexual references – probably a lot – rainbows, unicorns and random shit. If you are an homophobic bastard, a bigot, George W Bush or a mix of A, B and C, please go away. If you are a scatophiliac, I don't wanna know, that's the kind of weird I don't do – eww – If you are a pet loving, nice, sarcasm lover, dark comments worshiper or a simple happy go round person, I welcome you.
Hugs ^_^

p.s. Those who were excited about the cucumber talk, see you next post.


  1. Nice start :D Indeed I wanna know more about the cucumber, don`t disappoint me :P And also we should creat a Club. The Wonder Clumsy. Because me too, I always find a way to delete my stuff on internet even when there is a save button. My post on the Soup was almost done when suddendly, it came back to a save I did 15 minutes ago. so half of my post and all the correction was gone NOOOOEEEESSSSS 0_0. So Text Editor for the Win. I will add you on my blog. ^_^ Good luck with inspiration.

  2. Oh yeah! X3
    Moar random shizz! I'm not a trekkie but my mom is, so I do know a bit about Star Trek XD I'm a douche fan of Stargate SG-1 though XD Imma plug you on my blog as well!
